Forums - Fix your Web Server Distribution

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Fix your Web Server Distribution
Join Date: 26 May 13
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2013-10-30 13:36


file distribution is at less than 1kbps and has timed out 8 .. no now 9 times.

This is about the same QOS as your chips and other products!

  Why have you not yet put the compiler in an APK? Missed something?


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Join Date: 6 Aug 16
Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 2016-08-23 13:21

Hello there.  I believe that you are a bit confused on the functionality of the LLVM compiler.  This toolchain compiles native code (C/C++) for Android applications.  It is not itself an Android application (APK).  While it is used to improve performance of Android libraries and applications, the compiler itself requires a desktop environment (Windows/Linux), as is standard with other compilers.

Please let me know if you would still like to access the compiler and I can try to help you diagnose the download issue.

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