Forums - MDP & video sample code

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MDP & video sample code
Join Date: 2 May 13
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2013-08-20 12:44

I have been trying to get the video sample app working with the MDP Tablet.  The documentation claims that changes were made to support Jelly Bean, but in order to get the library to compile under Android 4.2.2 I had to make several additional changes.

All the lines of code related to logging caused errors (LOGE, LOGV, LOGW, etc.).  This is because the routines were all changed to ALOGE, ALOGV, ALOGW, etc. in the Android code base.  I changed all the log calls accordingly to fix the problem.

The sample code references “MediaDebug.h”, which no longer exists.  It turns out that MediaDebug.h contains a reference to “log.h”, which appears to be all that’s needed.  I changed MediaDebug.h references to log.h to fix the problem.

The sample code references “OMX_QCOMExtns.h” contains the following definition: “OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYVU420SemiPlanar = 0x7FFA30C00,”, which produces a collision error when compiling.  I attempted to fix it by changing the entry to “QOMX_COLOR_formatYVU420SemiPlanar,”.  This change I’m not confident about, although it does allow the samples to compile.

The encoder appears to encode the sample video file, but the results come out wrong.  The decoder fails to complete execution, producing a “Segmentation Fault” error.

Obviously, the video sample code as it stands does not support Jelly Bean 4.2.2.  Has anybody tried this and gotten it to work?  Do I need to use a different Android version?  How can I use this with the MDP Tablet – does it have to be compiled under the Android 4.2.2 source tree?  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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Deepak Moderator
Join Date: 7 Feb 13
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2013-08-22 16:39

Thank you for using the Video Sample and for the heads up about these issues. This sample was tested on Android 4.1.x and 4.0.x. We have not yet tried this on 4.2.x. We do plan to support this on 4.2.2 and will update the thread after more investigation.

The sample has to be complied against Android source tree as it uses some libraries from the compiled tree. We do not expect any issues in using the sample on MDP tablet once it has been verified on 4.2.x.

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