Forums - FAQ: Cygwin installation mirror location (no dependency on Perl and Python observed)

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FAQ: Cygwin installation mirror location (no dependency on Perl and Python observed)
Join Date: 5 Dec 12
Posts: 41
Posted: Thu, 2013-10-10 18:35

​It is observed that some mirror locations that are used to download Cygwin installation files, may not install all the needed files. This is causing dependency on exact Perl and Python versions.

So please download Cygwin (Mirror to download) from,

It will download all the files and the dependency is no longer observed.

However, as Cyswin is a very huge installation with many sub-installations that go under it, it is recommended to use Perl 5.10.1 and Python 2.6.2 versions.



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Join Date: 14 Mar 23
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2023-05-15 22:22
To ensure that all the needed files are installed and to avoid dependency issues with Perl and Python versions, you can follow these steps:
Download Cygwin from the mirror location: Go to and download the Cygwin installation files from that mirror. This mirror is recommended because it is observed to download all the required files.
Install Cygwin with recommended Perl and Python versions: During the Cygwin installation process, when prompted to select packages, make sure to choose Perl 5.10.1 and Python 2.6.2 versions. These specific versions are recommended to ensure compatibility and avoid dependency issues.
Complete the Cygwin installation: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of Cygwin with the selected packages. The installation process may take some time due to the large size of Cygwin and its sub-installations.
By downloading Cygwin from the recommended mirror and selecting the specific Perl and Python versions mentioned, you can ensure that all the necessary files are installed and avoid any dependency-related problems.
Please note that the mirror location provided here is a suggestion, and you may choose another mirror if desired. Additionally, the recommended Perl and Python versions are provided based on the suggestion to avoid dependency issues, but you can choose different versions if they are compatible with your specific requirements.
I hope this helps you download and install Cygwin with the required files and versions successfully.
Rahel Gomez
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