Forums - FAQ: Multiple target patterns" issue during build compilation

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FAQ: Multiple target patterns" issue during build compilation
Join Date: 5 Dec 12
Posts: 41
Posted: Thu, 2013-10-10 18:27

Manually delete the offending .cd file.

make takes ':' as target definition and errors out if it finds such multiple target definitions in the makefiles. This issue generally occurs with MS-DOS style pathnames (with colons).

There is a bug fix on top of 3.81 version of the make.exe which has fix to resolve ‘*** multiple target patterns’ issue during build compilation.

Please make sure to replace the make.exe at ‘C:\Utils\Cygwin\bin’(or wherever Cygwin is installed) with 3.81 version of make.exe(along with this fix).

Current link : ​

Where ever ‘make.exe’ is placed, we have to make sure, build compilation uses this ‘make.exe’.

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Join Date: 14 Mar 23
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Posted: Mon, 2023-05-15 22:18
To resolve the issue of multiple target definitions in makefiles, you can follow these steps:
Manually delete the offending .cd file: Identify the specific .cd file that is causing the issue and delete it from your project directory. This will remove the problematic file and allow make to proceed without encountering the multiple target patterns error.
Update make.exe with the bug fix: Download the 3.81 version of make.exe. Replace the existing make.exe file in the 'C:\Utils\Cygwin\bin' directory (or wherever Cygwin is installed) with this updated version. Make sure to overwrite the old file with the new one.
Ensure the correct usage of make.exe: Verify that your build compilation process is configured to use the updated make.exe. Depending on your setup, this may involve updating the PATH environment variable or modifying build scripts to explicitly point to the correct make.exe location (e.g., 'C:\Utils\Cygwin\bin\make.exe').
By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the multiple target patterns issue during build compilation. It is important to ensure that the correct version of make.exe is being used and that the build process is configured to utilize the updated executable.
Please note that the instructions provided here assume a specific file structure and installation location. Adjust the paths and locations according to your specific setup if necessary.
Rachel Gomez
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Join Date: 4 Feb 24
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Posted: Sun, 2024-02-04 11:19

It seems you've presented a topic related to forums and frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the "Multiple target patterns" issue during the build compilation process. If you have specific questions or require assistance in addressing this issue, please provide more details, and I'll do my best to help you navigate through it.

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