Forums - FAQ: Moving to "Hexagon Project" wizard in Hex-IDE

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FAQ: Moving to "Hexagon Project" wizard in Hex-IDE
Join Date: 5 Dec 12
Posts: 41
Posted: Thu, 2013-10-10 18:17

Some times users may move from one project wizard to another, such as C/C++, Hexagon Project etc and options on one wizard may not necessarily be seen on another wizard.

It is recommended that all the Hexagon Access Program development be in Hexagon Project wizard. To move to Hexagon project wizard, please right click the project explorer view and choose "Hexagon Project" wizard. This wizard will show only the hexagon related project templates only. In Hexagon project wizard users can choose, for example, "static library (.lib)", "Audio PP Project" to create a static PP library and other Hexagon related option, which are not available through any other wizard.

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Join Date: 4 Feb 24
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2024-02-04 11:04

It seems you've indicated a topic related to forums and frequently asked questions (FAQs) about transitioning to the "Hexagon Project" wizard in Hex-IDE. If you have specific questions or need guidance on this matter, please provide more details, and I'll do my best to assist you.

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