Forums - How to used the Hexagon tools

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How to used the Hexagon tools
Join Date: 12 Sep 13
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2013-09-17 23:34


We would like to implement Qualcomm platform “snapdragon 8074” and porting our sensor driver for I2C interface, but we don't know how to use the hexagon tools. When we can compile the driver and how to burn the hexagon image to platform ?


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Brightfield Moderator
Join Date: 8 Oct 12
Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2014-04-01 18:13

The sensor platform executes on the HExagon DSP,  but that subsystem was not originally accessible outside of OEMs and their partners.

The sensor team is working on a soluton that will enable borader access for driver porting of sensors to the DSP using the SDK,  but that product is not yet avaialble.

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