Forums - Android Versions and Driver versions

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Android Versions and Driver versions
Join Date: 10 Oct 13
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2013-11-19 04:34


I would like to find out what is the Qualcomm GPU Chipset driver version that shipped with various Android versions.

My ultimate aim is to categorize Android phones based on the GPU chipset driver version they were shipped with and then extract various features (say opencl support) that are supported (or) not supported. I want to do this for various other vendors as well.

In this regard, I am curious to know what the Android release cycle is like.

When an Android version releases, does it release with supported drivers from all chipset-vendors as well? (or) Do chipset-vendors make their various driver versions available for Android releases that are picked up by Handset vendors?

How does this actually work?

If any of you could throw light on this, it will be very useful,


Best Regards,

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Join Date: 10 Oct 13
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2013-11-21 00:52

I kindaa figured this out from the OHA (Open Handsets Alliance)

Android Open Source Project is all about Linux kernel for Android and the Android middleware.

The middleware has a layered architecture which has 'HAL and Driver" portion which has to be plugged in by the Handset vendor.

So, Handset vendors just get the ANdorid source code, integrate HAL and Driver for all the hardware they want to integrate and then run the CTS (Complian Test Suite - again from OHA) to certify their Android compatibility.

It is possible that Handset vendor works with Chipset vendors for drivers...So, whether chipset vendor releases their drivers to outside world is a totally up to them...For e.g., I see that Qualcomm has released some user-mode beta drivers....for developers. Not sure, if we can get the actual driver that chipset vendors ship with various devices. Is it possible to get those drivers (or) update the drivers? Any info will be very useful...


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