Forums - calling convention v4

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calling convention v4
Join Date: 6 Oct 14
Posts: 18
Posted: Thu, 2014-10-09 01:48

I am unable to find calling convention  for hexagon v4. Could any one please help me out with the info.


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Re: calling convention v4 Best Answer
Brightfield Moderator
Join Date: 8 Oct 12
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2014-10-09 11:02

The Hexagon SDK solution presently only supports Hexagon V5 processor for the dynamically loadable run-time examples on hardware targets.

However, the Hexagon Tool chain that is incorporated into the SDK does support the Hexagon V4 processor as well as the simulator.

We are working on back porting the SDK to the APQ8064 that incorporates a HExagon V4 core,  but that schedule is not availble for release.

Please dig into the tools directory for documentation on calling for a V4 compile and you can run it on the simulator.


Steve Brightfield



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