Forums - Global pointer and relative addressing

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Global pointer and relative addressing
Join Date: 26 Aug 14
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2014-10-01 11:55

Hello, I tried to follow some example code given in the Hexagon_Doument_budle (Programmer's reference manual (V5/V55)), and got some run time errors. Could someone give me a help? Thanks Here is a description of the problem. According Section 2.3.8 Global pointer on page 45 and Section 5.8.4 Global pointer relative on page 87, I wrote the following assembly code.


.p2align 2

.globl myRE


R7 =##0xd630


R6 =memw(GP+#200);

jumpr r31

when I tried to compile and run it, I got the following run time error message:

CRASH from thread 0!

I think the exception was: Error, cause: Misaligned @0xabde



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jmay Moderator
Join Date: 11 Sep 13
Posts: 34
Posted: Wed, 2014-10-01 14:11


- In what context are you running this, on target, on sim, in a dynamic module, in standalone, ....

- What do you expect to be at address 0xd630

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