Forums - Hexagon toolchain

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Hexagon toolchain
Join Date: 12 Apr 14
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2014-07-25 15:01

Is there a version of the Hexagon SDK tools that can be used as a drop-in Android toolchain just like the Snapdragon LLVM Compiler for Android?

The Snapdragon LLVM Compiler doesn't work with the Hexagon SDK libraries. I tried to make the Hexagon SDK tools work as an Android toolchain but the compiler isn't configured --with-sysroot and while you can work around that, it looks like the Hexagon SDK tools are not setup to compile shared libraries.

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Re: Hexagon toolchain Best Answer
Brightfield Moderator
Join Date: 8 Oct 12
Posts: 12
Posted: Wed, 2014-10-01 14:16



We can hold  brief call with you to get you back on track in getting a shared library built on the DSP that works for FastCV calls?

Are you available this Friday for a brief call with my Hexagon SDK developer to review your questions and comments and recommend a path forward?   Need to understan what your sepcia environment requirements are an the intended use case.




Steve Brightfield


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