Forums - Hexagon Shared Library in Android App

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Hexagon Shared Library in Android App
Join Date: 18 Nov 13
Posts: 8
Posted: Fri, 2015-04-10 11:02

I cloned the calculator example and added my own functions to run on the DSP. This works fine when running from the terminal, but I'm trying to incorporate this into an Android application. I copied the file with the added functions, used  System.loadLibrary() on the java side and have been able to successfully call functions that do not run on the dsp and get the correct results.


The problem is when I try to run functions that process on the DSP I get a result of -1 every time. When I try the calculator_test function and give it parameters to run on the DSP, it returns with a value of 1 meaning there was an error. I believe I'm missing a library in my android project, which should I add? the give me erros when trying to load. Also, I'm using Android Studio on a Windows 7 machine. Thank you.

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Join Date: 18 Nov 13
Posts: 8
Posted: Tue, 2015-04-14 17:05

Figured out the answer to this. I just needed to load, reference it in the file, and call the functions within it from native code. Pretty straight forward actually.

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