Forums - Configure HEAP size

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Configure HEAP size
Join Date: 1 Dec 14
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2015-01-22 21:39

While running a project in hexagon, we can change the address start point by "--section-start .start=0x1d000000" command.

My question is, if I want to change the HEAP or STACK memory size which command should be added to makefile? Or is there any other way to change HEAP/STACK size?

Note: when I run a project console shows "QuRTOS heap init: start 1d1131c0 size 0x80000" this line. Does this line mean the heap start from 1d1131c0 and size 0x80000 (512K)? If heap size is 512K, then what is the procedure to increase heap size for greater memory allocation?


AHM Rubaiyat

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jmay Moderator
Join Date: 11 Sep 13
Posts: 34
Posted: Fri, 2015-01-23 14:47

Are you referring to running QuRT in simulation?

If so, the QuRT configuration is prebuilt in the SDK and not modifable.

The heap available during simulation on my machine is 256 MB.

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Join Date: 1 Dec 14
Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 2015-01-25 19:46

Thanks for the reply. How can I check the available Heap size of my machine during simulation?

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