Forums - Compiling and executing C++

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Compiling and executing C++
Join Date: 21 Nov 13
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2014-09-22 02:44
We are having problems to compile and execute some C++ features in the hexagon aDSPv5 that are difficulting porting our algorithms to the aDSP.
Working with SDK_1.2.2 compiler, linker and aDSP image, we have been able to compile and run in the aDSP simple C++ programs. However, when we add some C++ features as exceptions and pure virtual classes, compilation runs well and in the simulator everything seems to execute fine, but when executing in the aDSP the runtime gives different undefined symbol errors messages, being unable to execute.
The main question is if exceptions and pure virtual classes are supported by the hexagon compiler/linker/runtime? In case of being supported, which are the compiler and linker configurations to support them, and which aDSP image is needed to be able to execute them.
Any help would be appreciated.
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jmay Moderator
Join Date: 11 Sep 13
Posts: 34
Posted: Wed, 2014-09-24 09:39


The Hexagon SDK does not support C++ at this time.  There are a number of outstanding issues we have not resolved and therefore it is not recommended.

We can offer limited support on a case by case basis by contacting [email protected]

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