Forums - How can I know my application run in tile mode or immediate mode?

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How can I know my application run in tile mode or immediate mode?
Join Date: 28 Feb 14
Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 2014-03-03 08:09

From the Adreno developer guide document, I know that if using render to texture, Adreno will probably run in immediate mode. 

Then I write a simple demo to verify it and use Adreno Profiler to dump the wave.

My question is: How can I know my application run in tile mode or immediate mode via Adreno Profiler?


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mhfeldma Moderator
Join Date: 29 Nov 12
Posts: 310
Posted: Tue, 2014-03-11 16:31

FlexRender is a new feature in our Adreno 3xx GPUs and refers to the GPU's ability to switch between indirect (binning or deferred) rendering and direct rendering to the frame buffer.  The GPU will analyze the rendering for a given render target and automaitcally choose between deferred and direct rendering mode.  Unfortunately it's not possilbe for an application to determine which mode is being used.

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