Forums - Adreno 320 Stencil Buffer problem

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Adreno 320 Stencil Buffer problem
Join Date: 22 Mar 15
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2015-03-22 22:23

Hi, I have a graphic renderring problem about stencil buffer using Adreno 320 on Android devices. the problem is descript as follow.

I use cocos2dx 2.2.3 as my 2d game engine. I have developed a game which scene can be destroyed. I use CCClippingNode class in my game. (the CCClippingNode class use Stencil Buffer to clip)

Somebody said this problem has occurs on devices which has android system version bellow 4.3, I will try it later.

This problem is not exist on most android devices except the devices which using Adreno 320!

this demo can be download at:

Can somebody help me to solve this problem? thank you very much!

my email address is [email protected], welcome to email me about this problem.


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Join Date: 22 Mar 15
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2017-08-24 00:29

This problem has been fix for change CCClippingNode.cpp(cocos2dx 2.2.3) in

line 231: glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT);



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Join Date: 26 Feb 24
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2024-07-21 10:27

Adreno 320 GPUs in older Android versions (below 4.3) might have issues with stencil buffers used for graphics effects. This likely isn't relevant for most devices today.

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