Forums - Adreno 330 GLES3 [email protected] compiler issue - corrupted textures when using gl_PointCoord

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Adreno 330 GLES3 [email protected] compiler issue - corrupted textures when using gl_PointCoord
Join Date: 3 Oct 14
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2014-10-03 14:36

I'm testing code that runs fine on a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1" 2014 (Mali-T628) on a Samsung Galaxy S5 (Adreno 330) for the first time and am experiencing a few GLSL (ES 3.0) issues. I'll post different issues to different topics. Note that these are up-to-date production devices I am testing on; I'm unaware if these issues have been resolved in unreleased drivers.

I'm rendering points with GL_POINTS, using gl_PointCoord for texture coordinates. I've been experiencing garbled and corrupted-looking results. Finally by reading numerous posts on this forum, I found that there have been compiler issues relating to expression complexity. My code isn't terribly complex:

#version 300 es

precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D frame0;

in vec4 color;

layout(location = 0) out vec4 o_fragColor;

void main(void) {
  vec4 tex;
  tex = texture(frame0, gl_PointCoord);
  o_fragColor = color * tex;

I (eventually) decided to simplify it according to the other forum posts in the only way I could see. It worked. My workaround is incredibly simple:

#version 300 es

precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D frame0;

in vec4 color;

layout(location = 0) out vec4 o_fragColor;

void main(void) {
  vec4 tex;
  vec2 coords = gl_PointCoord.xy;
  tex = texture(frame0, coords);
  o_fragColor = color * tex;


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mhfeldma Moderator
Join Date: 29 Nov 12
Posts: 310
Posted: Fri, 2014-10-17 13:42

We've been able to both duplicate your problem on an Adreno 330 driver, and also confirm that the problem is fixed in our newer drivers, without the need for the workaround.

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