Forums - Is Qualcomm interested in making a low overhead graphics API ?

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Is Qualcomm interested in making a low overhead graphics API ?
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Join Date: 16 Apr 13
Posts: 56
Posted: Wed, 2014-06-25 03:26


Since Apple started the phenomena on iOS with the Metal API designed to exploit all the performance from a mobile GPU I'm thinking that other manufacturers might try it out too if the benefits are worth it. Given that qualcomm probably ships the most GPUs on Android, I'd be curious if it's interested in making a low overhead graphics API like Metal or Mantle ? Furthermore, it would be great if you could convince Google to standardize it so we can have just a single low overhead API for the entire Android platform and not 4 ( add in Nvidia, ARM, Broadcom ).

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Dave Astle
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Join Date: 19 Oct 12
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 99
Posted: Wed, 2014-06-25 11:12
Good question.  Qualcomm is actively working with Khronos and partners to improve the Snapdragon graphics user experience within mobile power/thermal/bandwidth constraints, as well as constraints related to CPU usage.  As those plans evolve we’ll have more to share down the road.
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