Forums - Can I collect GPU metrics for the whole system on Nexus5?

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Can I collect GPU metrics for the whole system on Nexus5?
Join Date: 28 Feb 14
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2014-05-07 20:23


In the Adreno user manual, I found this part ---- 'Grapher metrics can be measured either for the current context/thread, or for all contexts/threads.... To toggle this mode, click the "Global" icon on the Metrics Browser's toolbar'.  

Now I want do some system level graphics performance analysis on Nexus5 with Adreno 330, so I really need to collect metrics for all graphics contexts.

But unfortunately, when I open the Andreno Profiler first time, I can find the  "Global" icon on the Metrics Browser's toolbar with grey color and cannot be clicked. But when I connected to an Application like game. The "Global" icon was disappear!!!!!!

What's wrong???

I'm sure there are several GLES contexts running in my system. At least including the running game, the  transparent statusbar, and the surfaceflinger for composition. Why I can't find the "Global" icon at all??

And if so, the displayed metrics in profiler are collected only for my selected App or for the whole system?

My Profiler version is 3.6.5056.26185



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Dave Astle
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Posted: Thu, 2014-05-08 07:56

The documentation apparently needs to be updated, but currently, the metrics displayed by the grapher are always global. We used to be able to toggle between per context and global, but due to some changes in the performance counter implementation, we were unable to display relliable per-context metrics. This feature will be returning in the next release of Adreno Profiler, in June.

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Join Date: 28 Feb 14
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 2014-05-08 20:37

That's great.

I just need the metrics for the whole system.

Thank you very much!

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