Forums - vSLAM in VOXL

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Join Date: 7 Mar 23
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2023-03-20 03:58

I was redirected to this forum after I posted my question in Home/Forums/Software/Qualcomm Computer Vision SDK. I will re-post it here:

Background Information:
1) I am using a VOXL 2 Flight Deck QRB5165M on a Sentinel dev drone from ModalAI;
2) I am using 2 stereo camera pairs to build a 3D map of the environment and a tracking camera to perform VIO;

The problem I'm having:
During some pre-flight checks with the drone to check how the localization works inside the 3D map, I noticed that the drone is not able to relocalize itself within an already existing map. What we did was the following:
- I switched on the drone in a specific position and we moved it around to build a 3D map using the stereo input;
- When I was satisfied with the map we saved it and I switched off the drone;
- I moved the drone to another point and I switched it on;
- I loaded the 3D map that I made in the previous powercycle and I moved around the drone to see whether it was able to relocalize itself in the map or not. Despite the map was updating while I was moving around, the drone was not relocalizing itself and it ended up creating a "false" map of the environment.
What I would like to achieve is both to make the drone relocalize itself within a map without booting up at the exact same position in which the drone was switched on at the time of the creation of the map. Hence, I want the drone to be able to relocalize within a map with respect to the map's origin. Are there any libraries compatible with VOXL2 that can provide this feature? Are there any libraries compatible with VOXL2 that can perform vSLAM?
Thank you in advance for your response!

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Join Date: 18 Apr 24
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2024-04-18 02:50


I am a sentinel user and we are trying something similar to SLAM. The sentinel description is misleading as it does not perform SLAM. It only perfoms mapping and planning on that map but no relocalization on the map can be done. We are currently using april-tag recognition to relocate the sentinel on the world-rf, but that is not  based in the mapping in any sense. So, you can map your eenvironment and plan and navigate based on this map and your current localization on the map. Your only (easy) means to relocate is too use  april tag relocalization although  that  is not quite SLAM. The hard way would be to use a ros-based SLAM method on a host computer outside the sentinel or even harder to use this same method on the voxl2.

Hope this helps

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