Forums - DSP with snpe SDK v2.05 on RB5 not working

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DSP with snpe SDK v2.05 on RB5 not working
Join Date: 18 Nov 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2023-01-23 04:58


Im tring to run DSP with snpe 2.05 on RB5 and it doesnt work

its supposed to work?

what can fixed it?

the DSP validator can't pass on DSP and AIP


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Join Date: 21 Mar 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2023-01-26 01:20

The same happens for me, on RB5, with version: QRB5165. installed:


PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->setRuntime

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->RuntimeCheck

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Setting up QnnBackend /prj/qct/webtech_hyd/pcgbait/projects/zsnpe_waipio/avante-tools/prebuilt/dsp/hexagon-sdk-4.1.0/ipc/fastrpc/rpcmem/src/rpcmem_android.c:38:dummy call to rpcmem_init, rpcmem APIs will be used from libxdsprpc

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp Qnn log initialized

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp QnnBackend_getApiVersion exits with 0

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp BackendLifecycle: Add client, clientCnt = 1, callCnt = 0, deinitCnt = 0

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp exit with 0

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp exits with 2, successfully initialized rpc memory

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp exits with 0

DspTransport.openSession qnn_open failed, 0x80000406

IDspTransport: Unknown rpc status 0x80000406

DspTransport failed,cannot open session, error 0xffffffff

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp exits with 0

[USER_ERROR] QnnDsp Error from rpc for backend initialization

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp qnnBackendInit exits with 4000

[USER_ERROR] QnnDsp exits with 4000, fail to initialize

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp exits with 0

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp exits with 0

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp Qnn log set default level

[USER_INFO] QnnDsp exits with 0

DspTransport.openSession qnn_open failed, 0x80000406

IDspTransport: Unknown rpc status 0x80000406

DspTransport failed,cannot open session, error 0xffffffff terminate called after throwing an instance of 'DlSystem::RuntimeException' what(): QnnBackned_Create failed: 4000


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