Forums - Getting started with mvVISLAM on RB5

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Getting started with mvVISLAM on RB5
Join Date: 30 Mar 22
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2022-04-04 00:25

I've recently started with Qualcomm RB5 and want to use the available VISLAM application with MVSDK.  I've the following doubts regarding the same:

  1. Setup required for running the mvVISLAM ROS application on RB5? 
  2. How to get the license key required for running mvVISLAM? Haven't received the license file upon downloading the MVSDK(as mentioned on the website).
  3. Upon trying to build the sample ROS applications from , I faced build errors related to not found header files. All of them point to "/usr/include/mv", which doesn't exist. I could find "" inside "/usr/lib/"
  4. Do we need to install the MVSDK manually on RB5 after flashing the board with Thundercomm LU image? If yes, the available MVSDK debian downloads on are for armhf and not arm64. Where can I get it for arm64?

I've flashed the LU image on RB5 using Thundercomm's SDK manager 2.1.0.

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