Forums - IMU sample app

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IMU sample app
Join Date: 14 Jul 20
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2022-02-28 08:25


I am trying to collect the IMU data (ICM-4xxx-P) on the RB5 in C++. There are many sample apps on how to use the cameras ( but I did not find any documentation about the IMU drivers. 

Could you provide a sample code to read the IMU data in C/C++?

The ssc_drva_test and sns_client_example_cpp executables work well but I cannot find out how the IMU is being used. I also do not undersand the purpose of the imud service (doing systemctl stop imud does not affect the test apps). Is there diffent ways to acces the IMU depending on the interface and/or extrenal clock being used?

Lastly, what would it take to synchronize the timestamps from the IMU and camera ? (I retrieve the images using gstreamer as in the sample apps.)

Thanks for the help!

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Join Date: 14 Jul 20
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2022-03-02 05:06

Edit :

I went accross the document Sensor Execution Environement Deep Dive, which explains how the SEE api works.

However header files are not present on my RB5 firmware (QRB5165.UBUN.1.0-211118) and the path do not correspond. Is there any documentation about SEE specific for the QRB5165 platform?

(PS: I used the Thundercomm SDK 2.1.0 to download and flash the firmware.)

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