Forums - Measuring Power Consumption?

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Measuring Power Consumption?
Join Date: 14 Aug 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2022-01-07 11:51

Does the RB5 have some mechanism like an INA219 or PMIC which measures power consumption?

I have researched and looked through many of the Qualcomm docs and I don't see anything related to measuring the power consumed by the entire RB5 devkit.

I did find an Application Note LM80-P0436-48 Rev C for the DragonBoard 410 which explains how to connect an INA219 to the older devkit. Is there a newer application note for the RB5?

Thank you,


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Join Date: 17 Sep 18
Posts: 59
Posted: Wed, 2022-01-12 09:56

Dear Customer,

If you need to measure the SOM power consumption, you can remove the R0709 resistor and test the SOM current data with an ammeter in series here.

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