Forums - RB5 not powering on

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RB5 not powering on
Join Date: 23 Sep 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2021-09-24 10:47

I've connected the RB5 to its power supply and when I click the power button, nothing happens. No LED's turn on and my computer doesn't recognize anythong connected. I've tried the force USB boot, but nothing happens.

Am I doing something wrong or is there something else I should be doing?

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Join Date: 17 Sep 18
Posts: 59
Posted: Fri, 2021-09-24 10:58

Hello customer,
RB5 does not have firmware from factory. please download SDK from and follow user guide to flash the firmware
any question let me know


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Join Date: 25 Jun 22
Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 2022-06-25 23:50

Did you ever get this sorted? I am having the same issue. I have downloaded all the latest SDK. The problem is the RB5 is just not powering up our appearing on the USB bus. Why would qualcomm ship this without any basic firmware to even light up some LED's? I am beginning to think I was shipped a bad board?

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