Forums - Using FastCV in an OpenCV project

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Using FastCV in an OpenCV project
Join Date: 21 May 21
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2021-09-20 02:27

Hi Everyone,

I am writing an object detection app using OpenCV. I intent to use FastCV functions for preprocessing the image. when I compile the program,it gives me the following error:

fcv.cpp:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `fcvSetOperationMode'

It is neccesary to compile the program using Hexagon SDK, or is it possible to just include the fastcv.h and libfastcv.a files in the project and compile it?

Thanks in advance.




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Join Date: 20 Mar 20
Posts: 23
Posted: Thu, 2021-10-07 04:38


Below steps to compile and run fastcv c++ application with fastcv.h and libfastcv.a file

1. Download FastCV SDK  v1.7.1 for Linux Embedded using below link

2. Use below commands  to install FastCV binary file fastcv-installer-linuxembedded-1-7-1.bin.

chmod 777 fastcv-installer-linuxembedded-1-7-1.bin


3. Use 64-bit libfastcv.a from libs provided in the fastcv sdk (fastcv-1-7-1_LinuxEmbedded\lib\64-bit\libfastcv.a).

4. Use fastcv.h from inc provided in the fastcv sdk (fastcv-1-7-1_LinuxEmbedded\inc\fastcv.h).

5. Download gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz using below link and extract the tar file

6. Use below command to compile fastcv c++ application

gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ fastcv_application.cpp -o fastcv_exe -lpthread -lc -ldl -L. libfastcv.a

7. Push the fastcv_exe binary file in the target:

adb push fastcv_exe /usr/bin/

8. Change bin permissions and run fastcv_exe executable:

adb shell chmod 777 /usr/bin/fastcv_exe

adb shell /usr/bin/fastcv_exe



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