Forums - Flash ERROR

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Join Date: 14 Jul 21
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2021-07-14 06:54


I get this error when i try to flash an image via sdkmanager

ERROR: Could not write to '/dev/ttyUSB0', Windows API WriteFile failed! Your device is probably *not* on this port, attempted 100 times

it seems to start writing but crashes for some reason

erase steps and flash_cdt_fullbuild pass fine

13:10:05: INFO: Trying to write 1048576 bytes
13:10:05: INFO: Just wrote 1048576 bytes
13:10:05: INFO: Trying to write 1048576 bytes
13:10:05: INFO: Just wrote 8192 bytes
13:10:05: INFO: Trying to write 1040384 bytes
13:10:05: INFO: Just wrote -1 bytes
13:10:05: INFO: Trying to write 1040385 bytes
13:10:05: INFO: Trying to write 1040481 bytes
13:10:05: INFO: Just wrote -1 bytes
13:10:05: INFO: Trying to write 1040482 bytes
13:10:05: INFO: Just wrote -1 bytes
I am on Ubuntu 20.04 i tried to flash native, in docken and on windows(MULTIDL_TOOL_v1.0.14) all failed
lsusb sees the device as Qualcomm, Inc. Gobi Wireless Modem (QDL mode), ttyUSB0 is only ttyUSB*
Problem was faulty power adapter, device appears to work with power from usb, but crashes whei I put any load to it.
Device only sent data to debug port when i plug in usb-c, power adapter didn't seem to start the device so I assumed it was the problem and it is.
It works now, so double check power adapter


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Re: Flash ERROR Best Answer
Join Date: 21 Jun 21
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2021-07-15 10:22

Hi Customer
From the error report, it can be seen that the serial port is not recognized,

Is the device still connected to the host before and after the error is reported,

Is there any device 9008 (QDL) after executing lsusb command

Before entering sdkmanager burning, execute: sudo systemctl stop ModemManager

First method:

In addition to synchronizing the latest version of sdkmanager, you can also synchronize the previous version to see if there are the same problems, as shown in the following figure.

Second method:

Do you have a QFIL burning tool? This is the burning tool of the Qualcomm platform. If you have this tool, I will guide you to use it to solve problems.

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