Forums - Camera bringup on RB5

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Camera bringup on RB5
Join Date: 27 Nov 20
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2021-07-04 06:50


I am working on supporting imx586 camera on RB5 platform. Camera is connected via CSI1 and i2c0 and voltage is provideded from separate source (one thing less to configure). I am able to detect the camera on i2c bus, but still can not retreive an image.
Process of porting:

1. Added camera dtsi configuration
    qcom,cam-sensor1 {
        cell-index = <1>;
        compatible = "qcom,cam-sensor";
        csiphy-sd-index = <1>;
        sensor-position-roll = <270>;
        sensor-position-pitch = <0>;
        sensor-position-yaw = <0>;
        /* eeprom-src = <&eeprom_586dy>; */
        cam_vio-supply = <&pm8009_l7>;
        cam_clk-supply = <&titan_top_gdsc>;
        regulator-names = "cam_vio", "cam_clk";
        gpio-no-mux = <0>;
        rgltr-min-voltage = <1800000 0>;
        rgltr-max-voltage = <1800000 0>;
        rgltr-load-current = <120000 0>;

        pinctrl-0 = <&cam_sensor_mclk1_active
        gpios = <&tlmm 95 0>,
            <&tlmm 146 0>;
        gpio-reset = <1>;
        gpio-req-tbl-num = <0 1>;
        gpio-req-tbl-flags = <1 0>;
        gpio-req-tbl-label = "CAMIF_MCLK1",
        sensor-mode = <0>;
        cci-master = <0>;
        clocks = <&clock_camcc CAM_CC_MCLK1_CLK>;
        clock-names = "cam_clk";
        clock-cntl-level = "turbo";
        clock-rates = <24000000>;
        status = "ok";


2. Changed imx586_sensor.xml file
All parameters adjusted. Full full configuration can be posted if needed.

3. Created modulde<>.xml file
It points on id=1 and 4 lanes.

Camera is configured to work on 24MHz over 4 lanes.

Tested using camx-hal3-test

Enter Camera Testing

            ======================= Camera Test Version  =======================
             CAMTEST_SHA1    : b95bff2dc09f1549ae1971afcf0ba71c9c0206de
             CAMTEST_BUILD_TS: 7/4/2021 10:57:4
             CAMTESTHOSTNAME : a670b28c1692
             CAMBUILD_IP     :
Camera: 0 face:1
Test camera:A:id=0,psize=8000x6000,pformat=yuv420,ssize=8000x6000,sformat=jpeg,zsl=1
preview size:8000x6000
preview format:yuv420
snapshot size:8000x6000
snapshot format:jpeg
in ZSL modeadd a camera :0
gbm_create_device(156): Info: backend name is: msm_drm

Test camera:s
snapshot request:0
Test camera:P:1
preview dump:1/0 for cameraid:0.
Test camera:s:1
snapshot request:1
Test camera:Q
Exiting application!

After execution nothing is stored under /data/misc/camera

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Join Date: 21 Jun 21
Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 2021-07-09 10:28

Hello Customer,
Closing this issue, since TC sales team is discussing the support proposal with you on another thread!



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Join Date: 18 Feb 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2022-02-18 11:50


Were we able to interface this camera? Would you kindly be able to share the steps to follow to interface this camera sensor with RB5? Thanks. 


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Join Date: 30 Jun 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2022-09-27 18:29

Is update camera from IMX577 to IMX586 issue be a new release? 
Or how can we adjust the kernal file to enable IMX586 or IMX686 camera?
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Join Date: 26 Oct 22
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2022-11-01 00:33

Hi all,

I'm qualified for downloading RB5 UBUN.1.0 from QC chipcode. Now I need to add new camera sensor IMX258. The current code have its xml  files but not .cpp one (imx25_sensor.cpp) in src/vendor/qcom/proprietary/chi-cdk/oem/qcom/sensor/imx258/.

How can I have/dev that cpp file? Or is it generated from somewhere?

Thanks and Regards,


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Join Date: 20 Dec 23
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2024-01-24 22:06
   We are gothrough the forum link as you posted & I am wondering to ask the imx586_sensor.xml from you. Actually we are working to bringup the IMX586 camera sensor in the Qualcomm SOC platform, if possible Anyone please share theose files (imx586) to us.
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