Forums - RB5 camera and accelerometer/gyroscope access code

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RB5 camera and accelerometer/gyroscope access code
Join Date: 3 Sep 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2020-09-04 07:44



We are a company based in Berlin, Germany and bought recently the RB5 development kit. We were wondering if you could point us to the documentation/API for accessing the 4k camera installed there. It would be great if you have examples in C++/OpenCV for us. Another interesting aspect would be to get access to the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors.


We do have access to CreatePoint, but could not find any materials specific to RB5.


Looking forward to hear back from you. Thanks!


Best regards



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mistry Moderator
Join Date: 18 Apr 18
Posts: 56
Posted: Fri, 2020-09-04 09:52


Thanks for reaching out to us.

You can find documentation for RB5 here:
Software Reference Manual:

The Platform provides GStreamer plugins to call the underlying subsystems (camera, Display, DSP, ISP, AI, Sensors DSP etc)
More examples can be found here:
Camera and Video:
Machine Learning:

Since you have access to CreatePoint, you can find more detailed documentation there. Look for the "QRB5165 IOT Ubuntu Robotics" Product kit.

We are working to publish sample applications on GitHub to get you started with your projects. 
I will post the links to the repository once it is online.

Hope this helps to get you started.


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