Forums - Calibration on QCA9377-7

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Calibration on QCA9377-7
Join Date: 17 Nov 20
Posts: 34
Posted: Thu, 2023-01-19 07:35


Is any kind of calibration required to use the QCA9377-7?

My usage is is both WiFi sniffer/monitor mode and also Bt advert collection and connection for extended info. I have the WiFi monitor mode working great, and also have Bt advert sniffing working as well. Both HS/BR/EDR and BLE seem to work on the test units with our OS and applications. With some nits.

If calibration is required, where is the toolset to do this?

I see references to QSPR, QDART, etc. Where does one find these? If required.

Lastly, is the calibration required on each individual module, or can a single calibration, and then update of all systems using these modules firmware files, will that suffice?

Thanks in advance


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ddeepakk Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jun 17
Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 2023-01-30 04:46

Hi John,

Apologies for delayed response.

If you are buying from module vendors like Arrow, Telit etc. then most likely you should not need to do calibration again. They do the calibration themselves and provide the BDF (Board Data File) in the Software Package. The bdwlan.bin file is the BDF and contains the calibraion info.

For access to the QDART tools that are used for calibration procedure, you can get in touch with the product marketing team at .


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Join Date: 17 Nov 20
Posts: 34
Posted: Mon, 2023-01-30 06:00

Thank you very much for the response.

We have our own board layout using the QCA377, based on one of your preferred vendors modules.

We could not use that module directly, because we needed it to fit within a given product to replace another board, so the form factor had to be changed.

I am in touch with Qualcomm Sales, and hope to get access soon.

Thank you very much for your stellar support,



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