Forums - 802.11 Transceiver for Interfacing with Microcontroller

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802.11 Transceiver for Interfacing with Microcontroller
Join Date: 26 Dec 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2021-12-26 16:45


We have an IoT application which requires the use of the 802.11 Transceiver (Wi-Fi) modules, to go into AP mode with HTML server and host a user setting webpage. Then we would like the WiFi module to go into transceiver mode to send and receive raw 802.11 WiFi packages. This is because we have devised a very simple light weight proprietary mesh communication protocol that is supposed to be very low power, simple and without requiring us to set up a WiFi network.

We need to be able to select a channel on the 2.4GHz and 5GHz band, set the data rate and send and receive packets. It would be very important if we could setup Rx filters that filters package that have a specific header pattern. This would allow use to filter out all normal WiFi packets and focus only on our proprietary communication protocol.

Is what I am describing achievable with the Qualcomm modules?

Are we able to interface with a microcontroller via SPI or SDIO?

Is there an SDK in C language to control the Qualcomm modules with an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller?

Alternatively, is there a reference manual for the SPI or SDIO commands that we could write our own driver?

Kind regards


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ddeepakk Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jun 17
Posts: 144
Posted: Thu, 2022-01-13 00:57

Hi Andrew,

The SDK is located at You can get the QCA9377.LEA.3.0 QCA OEM from there. It is based on Linux and you should be able to port it to any linux-based platform.

The requirement that you have might not be fully supported by the Software. However we have support for Monitor Mode where the radio can either work in Rx mode (like a Sniffer) or Tx mode (aka Injector mode).  You can check the following document for Rx Monitor Mode: QCA6174A/QCA9377/QCA9379 WLAN and Bluetooth on Linux-X86 Porting Guide : 80-YC321-2.

For the Injector Mode, there are some proprietary tools which aren't being released yet. If you are interested, you can first get in touch with SalesTeam to dicuss Software Licensing etc



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