Forums - AP and station mode not working concurrently

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AP and station mode not working concurrently
Join Date: 4 Oct 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2021-10-04 05:37

Using QCA9377 in our project. We tried configuring for both AP and Station mode. We could able to see log messagse that AP enabled. And we are able to ping web address through station mode. But we are not seeing AP SSID in other devices.

Request your help in this.

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ddeepakk Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jun 17
Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 2021-12-06 05:25

Hi Umesh,

Can you share the details about how you enabled teh AP mode and how you confirmed AP mode is working?

Also, what's the channel number of the AP? Can you paste the hostapd.conf file here?


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