Forums - Setting up RSDB (Real Simultaneous Dual Band)

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Setting up RSDB (Real Simultaneous Dual Band)
Join Date: 21 Jan 21
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2021-02-03 06:01


How can I set up the QCA9377 so as to be able to connect my device to 2 networks on both bands, simultaneously ?

I need to set my device as an access point (AP) on one of both bands and I need to set an Ad Hoc connection (STA) on the other band.

I do not find any tutorial to do this. The guide "80-YC636-1_E_QCA6174A_QCA9377 WLAN AND BLUETOOTH ON LINUX X86 PORTING GUIDE.pdf" has a section to set a SAP-STA connection but on the same channel while I would like to use both channels (one for SAP, and the other for STA).

Is it possible (at first glance yes) ?  If yes, how can I do that ?

Thank you.

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ddeepakk Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jun 17
Posts: 144
Posted: Wed, 2021-02-10 04:59

Hi Alex,

Yes, it's possible.

But there is single radio on QCA9377 so it will do time multiplexing between 2 bands and impact throughput quite a lot.
So, if your throughput requirements are not too much, you can run STA and SAP in 2 different channels/bands.


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ddeepakk Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jun 17
Posts: 144
Posted: Wed, 2021-02-10 04:59

Hi Alex,

Yes, it's possible.

But there is single radio on QCA9377 so it will do time multiplexing between 2 bands and impact throughput quite a lot.
So, if your throughput requirements are not too much, you can run STA and SAP in 2 different channels/bands.


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