Forums - QCA 6174A support using LE.A v2 driver

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QCA 6174A support using LE.A v2 driver
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Join Date: 18 Aug 14
Location: San Diego
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2018-08-28 11:22

I wanted to understand how I can support the PCIe 6174A chip. When I search QDN it directs me to the QCA9377A page and references the AIO driver porting guide for both the 9377 and 6174A (x86 Linux).

My understanding is though the 9377 LE.A v2 driver on the forum only supports 9377 SDIO. Can you confirm this is the case and let me know where I can get access to a driver for the 6174A?


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ddeepakk Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jun 17
Posts: 144
Posted: Tue, 2018-08-28 20:05

Hi Andrew,

Yes, we are supporting only QCA9377 on this forum currently. For QCA6174A, you may want to use the open-source ath10k driver, if you are looking for source code. For closed-source driver, you either need to have a contract with Qualcomm or approach an ADC of Qualcomm for that.

Thanks for pointing the typo in doc. We'll get QCA6174A removed from it to avoid confusions.


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