Forums - WiFi driver build issue

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WiFi driver build issue
Join Date: 14 Mar 18
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2018-06-04 02:31

We are trying to build qca9377.lea_.1.0_qdn_r1000015.2.tgz release of the QCA9377 driver.
In the porting guide it is given that the board name fo QCA9377 is te-f20. But we are getting an error when we give this value to the aio-gen script.

We can see that in "fixce/aio-gen/build/scripts/" folder there is only one folder named "te-f10" and inside there are only files corresponding to te-f10.
How can we get files to build the driver for te-f20 (QCA9377 according to the porting guide) ?

Will this driver support PCIE interface for QCA9377?

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ddeepakk Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jun 17
Posts: 144
Posted: Wed, 2018-06-06 04:59

Hi Suhas,

"te-f20" is the board type for version 2.0 of the Software. You were getting that build failure because the 2.0 Software Package wasn't uploaded that time. It has been uploaded now and you can try to use it.

We are currently supporting only SDIO interface with QCA9377 on QDN.


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