Forums - J-Link Flash Programming

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J-Link Flash Programming
Join Date: 13 Dec 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2022-12-22 14:13

I have a J-Link Plus JTAG device and would like to program an OEM board with the QCA4020 device.  I have the YA999 evaluation board and have successfully built and programmed the QCLI_demo using the Qualcomm v3.2 SDK.  I would like to program this QCLI_demo image to the new OEM board.   First step is converting the elf image to multiple hex images, one per core, for the JTAG programmer.  Next step is to setup the J-Flash utility on the J-Link device for the QCA4020 M4 and M0 cores.   Finally, program the device and reproduce the results shown on the evaluation card.  

I went through this process with the Nordic Semiconductor nRF5340 device on a different OEM board.  Individual hex images were created for for the application and network cores by the Nordic development environment.  The J-Link device had the proper setup for Nordic chip for programming the individual cores.  Programming was successful and proper operation was confirmed.

I sent a query to Segger regarding this topic.  If anyone had gone through this process, I would greatly appreciate any guidance.  

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Join Date: 21 Oct 19
Posts: 34
Posted: Thu, 2023-02-02 04:04

Hi, we flash our image either through USB or JTAG using J-link. For the JTAG case we do not extract hex images from the elf. Actually there are scripts and batch files that do the image download, probably also any conversion needed. Finally it calls this python script to flash via GDB:

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