Forums - qca4020 eval board not getting out of USB flash mode

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qca4020 eval board not getting out of USB flash mode
Join Date: 2 Aug 19
Posts: 62
Posted: Fri, 2020-09-18 07:10


1) We are having qca4020 silex board, by connecting jumper between pin 1-2 of j106 (GPIO 22 to 3V3)the device is going into USB flash mode.

2) But after flashing the code when we remove j106 jumper rebooting device, it still shows that the device is in USB flash mode as seen in device manager.

3) We have removed the module and tested the module independently, by taking out the usb pins and not connecting gpio 22 to 3V3. Still the module is in USB Flash mode.

4)We have also connected the gpio 22 pin to ground and still the device is in USB flash mode. Is it the issue of bootloader?

Hoc can we fix this?

Any help will be appreciated.



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Join Date: 16 Aug 19
Location: Rhode Island
Posts: 15
Posted: Fri, 2020-09-18 07:44

You can try doing a full erase fist using the with the --erase option, then doing the EDL load.
I had a similar problem when loading code on a board that had a different image mapping previously loaded.

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