Forums - Crypto Persistent Object

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Crypto Persistent Object
Join Date: 21 Oct 19
Posts: 34
Posted: Thu, 2020-09-10 06:57

I am having a problem using a persistent crypto object. I created a transient object from a PEM file/string and can use that object without any issues. I am using it to create a MD5-HMAC.
Once I transform it into a persistent object, which itself is done without any error reports, the function:

qapi_Crypto_Op_Key_Set() returns and error indicating "invalid parameter" (-2)

I already verified the handling of persistent objects from the QCLI_demo project and I do not see any difference. And as stated above the key itself and the transient object works as expected.

Is there anything else that can go wrong?

Thanks and regards


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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
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Posted: Thu, 2020-09-10 09:40

qapi_Crypto_Op_Key_Set() returns -2 in case the crypto object and operation mode are not compatibility.

Kindly refer to @target\quartz\demo\qcli_demo\src\crypto):   crypto_helper_compute_hmac()

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Join Date: 21 Oct 19
Posts: 34
Posted: Thu, 2020-09-10 23:27

Hi Raja,
if crypto operation and object are not compatible, then why does the transient object work? It is made from the same key/pem file. Also, when I check the object info (qapi_Crypto_Obj_Info_t) that I get for both the transient and the persistent object, the only difference is the persistent flag.
Thank you for clarifying on the above.


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