Forums - TCP & UDP commnds missing in QCLI demo

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TCP & UDP commnds missing in QCLI demo
Join Date: 1 May 20
Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2020-07-14 01:38


I am working on qca4020 with 3.1 sdk.

I want to know why TCP/UDP commands are not included in QCLI demo. I could find them in AT commands. If i need these TCP/UDP feature in QCLI demo(as these are are not included in QCLI demo ) how i can do it, do i have to merge the AT commands code in QCLI demo or is there any other way to combine the tcp and udp features of AT demo in QCLI demo.
please help me asap.
Thanks in advance.
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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
Posts: 317
Posted: Tue, 2020-07-14 07:56

Kindly specify which TCP and UDP commands are you referring to.

You can refer to below commands under QCLI_demo:

Net: benchrx {tcp|tcpzc|tcpecho|ssl|sslzc} <port> [<local_ip>] [wht <weight>] [low <threshold>] [high <threshold>]
Net: benchrx {udp|udpzc|udpecho} <port> [<local_ip>|<multicast_ip>|<multicast_ip%if_name>|<multicast_ip> <local_ip>]
Net: benchrx {raw|rawh} <protocol> [<local_ip>|<multicast_ip>|<multicast_ip%if_name>|<multicast_ip> <local_ip>]
Net: Examples:
Net:  benchrx tcp 2390
Net:  benchrx tcpzc 5000
Net:  benchrx udp 6000
Net:  benchrx udp 7000
Net:  benchrx rawh 26

Net: benchtx <Rx IP> <port> {tcp|tcpzc|udp|udpzc|ssl} <msg size> <mode> <arg> <delay in microseconds between msgs> [<tos>] <source IP> <select enable in tx>
Net: benchtx <Rx IP> <protocol> raw <msg size> <mode> <arg> <delay in microseconds between msgs> [<tos>]
Net: benchtx <Rx IP> <protocol> rawh <msg size> <mode> <arg> <delay in microseconds between msgs> <tos> <source IP>
Net:  <mode> can be 0 or 1.
Net:  If <mode> is 0, <arg> is time to TX in seconds.
Net:  If <mode> is 1, <arg> is number of msgs to TX.
Net: Examples:
Net:  benchtx 2390 udp 1400 1 100 0 0xA0
Net:  benchtx 5001 udp 1200 0 30 0 0xA0
Net:  benchtx 26 raw 1400 0 60 0
Net:  benchtx 26 rawh 1400 1 100 10 0xA0

Net: Usage: iperf [-s|-c host] [options]
Net:   -p  = The server port for the server to listen on and the client to connect to. This should be the same in both client and server. Default is 5001.
Net:   -i  = Sets the interval time in seconds between periodic bandwidth, jitter, and loss reports
Net:   -u  = Use UDP rather than TCP
Net:   -l = The length of buffers to read or write
Net:   -t = The time in seconds to transmit for
Net:   -n = The number of buffers to transmit
Net:   -b = Set target bandwidth to n bits/sec
Net:   -r = Client Reserve Mode
Net:   -V = IPV6

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