Forums - QCA402x zigbee device joining event

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QCA402x zigbee device joining event
Join Date: 29 May 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2020-05-29 02:31


I am developing a zigbee coordinator application and i want to manage joined devices. From the QCA402x QAPI document i know there is only way to get joining device info:

- Get it from the "QAPI_ZB_ZDP_EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE_ANNCE_E" event. But some zigbee devices do not send announcement message after joining, then it is not a good way to get device info

- I have tried to use the QAPI_ZB_EVENT_TYPE_JOIN_CONFIRM_E event, but it seem to be a router & end device event and it does not fire on coordinator side(from my testing)

So my questions are:

1. Is there any other way to get device joining event for QCA402x?

2. Is it save to use the "Persistent Secure Storage" api to write device info. I known there are some limits due to the flash wear-leveling problem

3. I can't find the size of the "Persistent Secure Storage" from the api document, How to get it?

Thank you!

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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
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Posted: Thu, 2020-07-30 15:42

Kindly refer to QCLI_demo "Zigbee" module for "List of joining device info"

>> Zigbee showdevicelist  (cmd_ZB_ShowDeviceList) is used to list joined devices

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Join Date: 24 Feb 20
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Posted: Sun, 2020-08-30 20:29

I'm sorry but your answer is not helpful:

  1. The cmd_ZB_ShowDeviceList command is just list the devices which are manual added by cmd_ZB_AddDevice command, not the joined devices
  2. ZDP event callback is not called( on coordinator) when device joined, It is only called if device sends a announcement broadcast message.
  3. I can see the persist notify callback is called when device joined to update persistent data, but i do not know the persistent data structure, could you provide me the document for it?
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