Forums - Secure Boot

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Secure Boot
Join Date: 21 Oct 19
Posts: 34
Posted: Wed, 2020-05-20 00:40

Hi forum,
I am referring to the document Enable Secure Boot and Image Encryption on QCA402x (CDB2x), where the secure boot for QCA4020 is explained.

I stumbled upon the PK_HASH value for OTP fuses that is mentioned in the document. The document describes PK_HASH to be the SHA256 hash of the users root certificate. In the following it seems that this hash is related to a root certificate located in the SDK, qpsa_rootca.cer

What I don't understand is, if this is a user specific certificate, how does the secure boot loader know from the hash the accompanying users certificate to verfiy the secure image? I do not see where the user certificate is loaded into the QCA4020 for this verification.

If it is always the qpsa_rootca.cer and the hash for that certificate, then everyone having the SDK and that cert can sign an image and run it on the SoC.

Maybe I do not understand everything correctly here. Can someone explain how this works with a user specific certificate, and what the secure bootloader is actually verifiying?

Thanks and best regards


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Join Date: 27 May 20
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2020-05-28 01:38


By curiosity, did you figure it out how to validate a user cetificate? I have an updated module that I would like to load to a Qualcomm CV2X Platform (APQ8096AU). The generic SDK signs the Kernel Module with a X509/private key pair which it is not valid on the target platform.

Any suggestions/ideas how to add/include the SDK key pair into the secure boot?

Do you know where the certificates are stored?

Any way to disable secure boot maybe?




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