Forums - QCA4020 evaluation questions

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QCA4020 evaluation questions
Join Date: 6 May 20
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2020-05-06 21:48

Hi folks,

We are about to evaluate this SoC and wanted to get some specific details that I can't seem to easily find before we go ahead, hopefully you can help us out:

- Can you share the power consumption numbers for this SoC in Low Power WiFi Associated. Ideally I am looking for what to expect at various DTIMs, with and without an active TLS connection (battery use case essentially).

- How does power consumption in a low power scenario compare with the QCA401X?

- Our specific use case requires a large amount of RAM. Can the Heap space be extended and mapped to an external SRAM module seemlessly?



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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
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Posted: Tue, 2020-05-12 10:04

Kindly refer to "QCA402x (CDB2X) Power Measurement Test Guide " document under for various power test cases numbers and instructions.

704 KB SRAM: 300 KB available for customer code and data, however we support external flash memory and can be offloaded to XIP memory.

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Join Date: 6 May 20
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Posted: Wed, 2020-05-13 22:43

Hi Raja,

Are you referring to the PDF "80-YA121-147_B_QCA402x (CDB2X) Power Measurement Test Guide", or another document? If so, there are no indicative numbers in the "Power Measurement Test Guide" or in the QCA4020 product specification / datasheet that I can see.

Can you also clarify your response regarding external SRAM, I am not particularly concerned with Flash memory. 

To re-iterate:

- Can you share the power consumption numbers for this SoC in Low Power WiFi Associated. Ideally I am looking for what to expect at various DTIMs, with and without an active TLS connection (battery use case essentially).

- How does power consumption in a low power scenario compare with the QCA401X?

- Our specific use case requires a large amount of RAM. Can the Heap space be extended and mapped to an external SRAM module seemlessly?

Thanks for responding to each question, let me know if they are unclear.


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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
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Posted: Fri, 2020-05-15 17:50

Kindly refer to "QCA402x.OR.3.1CS SDK Release Notes" for power measurement values at various DTIMs and TLS test cases.

QCA401x is low powered compared to QCA4020. Kindly refer to QCA401x release notes for more detailed power measurement test cases/values.
Example :     In case  of QCA401x below are the typical current consumption at 3.3 V (2.4 GHz, 1.5M)
DTIM1  --999.25uA
DTIM 3 --  498.73uA
DTIM 5  -- 383.66uA
DTIM10  -- 321.25uA
Connection idle  -- 61.69mA
Active TCP uplink -- 140.48mA
Active TCP downlink -- 84.95mA    

Unfortunately, QCA402x doesnot have the support for external SRAM module mapping. However we support Execution-In-Place (XIP memory), where customer can execute applicaiton code and data from flash memory.


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Join Date: 6 May 20
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2020-05-17 19:38

Hi Raja,

Thanks for the response which answered my original questions.


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