Forums - QCA4020 Memory profiling

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QCA4020 Memory profiling
Join Date: 29 Jul 19
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2019-11-12 04:08


1. Is there a way to make memory profiling on the QCA4020 board using the SDK?

In the FreeRTOS there is possibility to get the allocated/available memoty:

Is there something similar for the QCA?

2. Is there a possibility to look after memory leaks on the QCA4020 board? (System functions, memory profiling, etc.)

Thanks in advance,


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manjulak Moderator
Join Date: 5 Dec 14
Posts: 33
Posted: Wed, 2019-11-13 16:07

We do not have any memory profiling apps in SDK that we ship on Qualcomm Developer Network. You can use qapi_Heap_Status() API at differnt points to check memory heap status (Total bytes and Free bytes).

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