Forums - How Memory Management done in QCA2040.

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How Memory Management done in QCA2040.
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Join Date: 19 Jul 19
Location: Pune
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2019-07-19 23:00

Hello Qualcomm Community,

I am a biginer to the Qualcomm QCA2040 device.

I have started studing the documentation & getting detailed understanding of the QCA4020 Software/Hardware architectures.


While studding the document, I am able to know that there are 3 different processor has been used, 

Cortex M4 - For the Zigbee & BLE stack,

Cortex M0 - To manage RF section of Zigbee & BLE.

Dedicated processor to drive WIFI module.


I would like to know that,

1. How the memory of this different processors is utilized to store the dedicated images?

2. Where the differnt OTA images have been stored (Golden & Test Image) & how that images beeing used at the runtime?

3. What is the use case of 32MB Flash memory?


Will you please help me to understand this basics?


Shiv Patil.


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Join Date: 27 Aug 18
Posts: 29
Posted: Sun, 2019-07-28 21:58
1. How the memory of this different processors is utilized to store the dedicated images?
Each individual processor its dedicated RAM (and ROM). The program runs in the RAM for each individual processor independently.
Refer to QCA402x application development section of programmer guide to for more details .
2. Where the differnt OTA images have been stored (Golden & Test Image) & how that images being used at the runtime?
These images are kept in Flash in separate partitions. Each processor has three partition like Golden, Current & trail  . 
You can also refer  QCA402x boot flow section of programmers guide. 
3. What is the use case of 32MB Flash memory?
Flash is shared between multiple processors according to the partitions. The Flash used is an XIP Flash.
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