Forums - QAPI Timers

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QAPI Timers
Join Date: 12 Jun 18
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2019-06-04 12:31


How many QAPI timers can be defined?  Is there a means to check how many have been allocated?  How many are allocated in the compiled binaries provided by Qualcomm?  For instance, if I'm using the Thread stack, how many QAPI timers does it require?  Is there a way to allow for more timers to be defined at compile time?

I have several QAPI timers defined in my application.  I'm troubleshooting an issue that I've traced down to a qapi_Timer_Def call.  If I comment out that call the application runs and the FreeRTOS heap indicates there is ~18K of free space.  If I leave it in, the FreeRTOS heap reports there is ~100 bytes left.



I've narrowed the issue down to the TWN_TASK continually calling qurt_signal_create until there's no more RTOS heap left.  If I remove one call to qapi_Timer_Def the application runs fine.  It doesn't matter which timer I comment out in the application, as long as I comment one out, it'll run.  Here's a stack trace that shows where the application is continually calling qurt_signal_create...



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Join Date: 21 Jun 18
Posts: 64
Posted: Wed, 2019-06-05 10:58

Hi Ryan,

Device configuration limits the maximum number of timer to be defined. If needed, you can try to increase the number in "PLATFORM MAX TIMERS" from default 10. You can increase the number of timer as much as the memory is allowed.


<props id="8" id_name="PLATFORM MAX TIMERS" oem_configurable="true" helptext="Maximum running timers allowed" type="0x00000002"> 10 </props>


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