Forums - QCA4020 Onboard_demo issue

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QCA4020 Onboard_demo issue
Join Date: 15 Nov 18
Posts: 21
Posted: Tue, 2019-03-05 00:35
Hi Qualcomm Team:
i use Onboard_demo in QCA4020.OR.3.0_00011.1 SDK.
have show "Failed to create remote device information." problem.
I test steps 
1.Open the QCAOnBoarding app "SCAN" at menu "..." and select "Onboard" 
4.Press "CANCEL" button in the pairing dialog 
5.repeat steps 2 to 4 repeat 20 ~30 times.
I will happen "Failed to create remote device information." 
Then BLE can't connect properly.
Onboard: etLE_Connection_Complete with size 24. 
Onboard: Status: 0x00. 
Onboard: Role: Slave. 
Onboard: Address Type: QAPI_BLE_LAT_RANDOM_E. 
Onboard: BD_ADDR: 0x48743361A880. 
Onboard: Connection Interval: 49. 
Onboard: Slave Latency: 0. 

Onboard: etGATT_Connection_Device_Connection with size 16: 
Onboard: Connection ID: 21. 
Onboard: Connection Type: LE. 
Onboard: Remote Device: 0x48743361A880. 
Onboard: Connection MTU: 23. 
Onboard: Failed to create remote device information

Onboard: etLE_Channel_Selection_Algorithm_Update with size 16. 
Onboard: Channel Selection Algorithm: CSA #1. 
Onboard: Connection Address Type: QAPI_BLE_LAT_RANDOM_E. 

In addition to restarting, is there a way to solve it?

Best Regards.


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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
Posts: 317
Posted: Tue, 2019-08-27 15:11

You can clear the co-ordinator info in the mobile application under "Settings -> Coordinator List"
or use the console option to recover the device "Onboard reset_onboard_info"

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