Forums - BLE Pairing Using Phone

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BLE Pairing Using Phone
Join Date: 31 Dec 18
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2019-01-23 06:20

My name is Fabian, and I am currently working on a project to establish a communication between a user smartphone and the QCA4020, and send data back and forth. Using the ble_util.c from Onboard_demo, in my main thread (initialize thread) currently i wrote:

//these functions can be found in ble_util.c

I managed to discover the board's Bluetooth name on my phone, however, when i attempt to pair, it states that the pairing key is wrong (although it is not giving me any key), or that the device is configured wrongly.

How do I set the pairing key? And is there an option to remove security and allow pairing without key? What variable/config files do i go to?

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Join Date: 4 Nov 18
Posts: 184
Posted: Mon, 2019-01-28 00:39

Hi Mr.Fabian,

The passkey feature is enabled by default in the OnBoard Demo found
in the module "OpenStack - qapi_BLE_HCI_DriverInformation_t *HCI_DriverInformation".

API used to enable the feature is "qapi_BLE_GAP_LE_Set_Fixed_Passkey", where the passkey is

defined using a variable "passkey". 
If passkey to be modified, change the value in the variable.
To disable, avoid calling "qapi_BLE_GAP_LE_Set_Fixed_Passkey" API in the OpenStack module. 
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Join Date: 31 Dec 18
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2019-01-28 03:13

Hi gesqdn,

It seems that the pairing key was not the problem in the first place. However, I am yet to figure out what am I configuring wrongly on the QCA4020 side. I will try to get a proper error report. but as of now, my initialize thread is still as follows:



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