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Debug issue
Join Date: 12 Nov 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2018-12-26 01:25


I folowing in document (80-ya121-140_c_qca402xcdb2x_development_kit_user_guide) to debug QCA4020 kit. But I get the error line at debug window: 

Can't find a source file at "/local/mnt/workspace/CRMBuilds/CNSS_W.QZ.3.0-00078-QZHW-1_20181109_142759/b/ioesw_proc/core/boot/build/ioe_ram_ipt/cortex-m4/ARNTRI/sbl//sbl.o.i" 
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.
Pls help
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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
Posts: 317
Posted: Wed, 2018-12-26 21:22

you don't need to worry about the warning "No such file or directory", its is from the full source code.
As customer is only exposed with libraries, we expect you to face such warnings.

//Sample Debug session looks as below:
warning: Loadable section "ROM_FOM_MISSIONROM_RW_REGION__rw-data" outside of ELF segments
Breakpoint 2 at 0x100a05a8: file /local/mnt/workspace/CRMBuilds/CNSS_W.QZ.1.0.c5-00007-QZHW-1_20171014_192059/b/ioesw_proc/core/boot/sbl//sbl1_mc.c, line 328.
Breakpoint 3 at 0x10fbc: file /local/mnt/workspace/CRMBuilds/CNSS_W.QZ.1.0.r4-00013-QZFPGA-1_20170509_214818/b/ioesw_proc/core/v2/rom/drivers/debugtools/err/src/apps_proc/arm//err_jettison_core_m4.s, line 83.
(gdb) b enable_wlan
Breakpoint 4 at 0x1005c4e4: file ..\..\src\wifi\wifi_cmd_handler.c, line 370.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 4, enable_wlan () at ..\..\src\wifi\wifi_cmd_handler.c:370
370     {
(gdb) b Custom_HW_PowerUpDown
Breakpoint 5 at 0x2fe1a: Custom_HW_PowerUpDown. (2 locations)
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 5, 0x0002fe1a in Custom_HW_PowerUpDown (pCxt=0x10085b68, powerUp=0x1) at /local/mnt/workspace/CRMBuilds/CNSS_W.QZ.1.0.r4-00013-QZFPGA-1_20170509_214818/b/ioesw_proc/quartz/platform/src/cortex_m4//rom/quartz_ram_stubs.c:484
484     /local/mnt/workspace/CRMBuilds/CNSS_W.QZ.1.0.r4-00013-QZFPGA-1_20170509_214818/b/ioesw_proc/quartz/platform/src/cortex_m4//rom/quartz_ram_stubs.c: No such file or directory.
<7-QZHW-1_20171014_192059/b/ioesw_proc/" "C:/Build/full_src/v2/4020_c5_0007/ioesw/ioesw/"
(gdb) b Custom_HW_Clk_Req_Interrupt_Register
Breakpoint 6 at 0x101660c: file /local/mnt/workspace/CRMBuilds/CNSS_W.QZ.1.0.c5-00007-QZHW-1_20171014_192059/b/ioesw_proc/wlan_host/host_driver/v2/custom/platform/quartz/hcd/cust_hw_api_ext.c, line 240.
(gdb) b Custom_HW_Init
Breakpoint 7 at 0x1016406: file /local/mnt/workspace/CRMBuilds/CNSS_W.QZ.1.0.c5-00007-QZHW-1_20171014_192059/b/ioesw_proc/wlan_host/host_driver/v2/custom/platform/quartz/hcd/cust_hw_api_ext.c, line 71.
(gdb) c

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