Forums - QCA402X Timer issue

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QCA402X Timer issue
Join Date: 15 Nov 18
Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 2018-12-13 03:44

Hi Qualcomm

how can use hardware timer?

now i need sample Continuous signal is 100us (microsecond).

How can I get such a signal?

Best Regards


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Join Date: 21 Jun 18
Posts: 64
Posted: Mon, 2019-01-07 15:45

Hi Rick,

I'm not sure but have you ever reviewed PWM driver which can generate digital signals based on the configuration like frequency, duty cycle, and phase.

As per your digital signal pattern like 100us (high), 100us (low), 100us (high), 100us (low), ....,
we can say the frequency of signal is about 5000hz and duty cycle 50%.

Can you try to generate digital signal via PWM with following commands?
We can probe GPIO 13 on J5-19 pin on CDB20 board.

@Generate digital signal via PWM
Peripherals\PWM> output 500000 5000 0 7

frequency 500000 (= 5000hz * 100)
duty 5000 (= 50% * 100)
phase shift (= 0)
pwm channel 7 (GPIO 13, J5-19 pin)


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Join Date: 15 Nov 18
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2019-01-07 17:22

Hi jaydenk:

you say use PWM, but it is output , i need input sample Continuous signal is 100us (microsecond).\

how can i do it?

Best Regards,


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Join Date: 21 Jun 18
Posts: 64
Posted: Thu, 2019-01-10 09:48

Hi Rick,

Unfortunately, there is no special hardware support for capturing input signals on QCA402x.
There is also on HW timer on this chip.

May be this can be performed through GPIO interrupts if really want to do.
Once GPIO interrupt is hit on line change, read the status of the line.
Interrupt will be hit every 100us which may be concern to other tasks and also, not sure on impact on timing latency though if high priority interrupt is ongoing and it holds up 100us of CPU time.


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Join Date: 21 Jun 18
Posts: 64
Posted: Thu, 2019-01-10 09:48

Hi Rick,

Unfortunately, there is no special hardware support for capturing input signals on QCA402x.
There is also on HW timer on this chip.

May be this can be performed through GPIO interrupts if really want to do.
Once GPIO interrupt is hit on line change, read the status of the line.
Interrupt will be hit every 100us which may be concern to other tasks and also, not sure on impact on timing latency though if high priority interrupt is ongoing and it holds up 100us of CPU time.


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