Forums - Aws mqtt connect issue with qca 4020

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Aws mqtt connect issue with qca 4020
Join Date: 29 May 18
Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 2018-11-09 21:40


I am trying to connect qca4020 board with aws cloud.

I have loaded all the credentials including certificate and private key.

I have referred aws  iot embedded C sdk, When I am executing sample application (subscribe_publish_sample) on ubuntu machine is working fine.

But when I integreted same code  in qca 4020 aws_run.c . I am facing error code -28 which is timeout.

In network_wrapper_4020.c ->  iot_tls_read() function qapi_select timeout also have increased , still select is returning 0.

I am not getting why server is  not responding . Could anyone help me in resolving the issue.


Waiting for response.


Thanks ,


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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
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Posted: Mon, 2018-11-12 15:11

The error code -28  refers to "MQTT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_ERROR" timout occured while waiting for TLS request complete.

This error is returned in case of aws_iot_mqtt_internal_wait_for_read() when we didnt receive the expected packet or either time expected when reading the packet.

Were you able to connect to shadow?
Kindly provide us the console logs to verify the issue.

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