Forums - Use new GPIO pins for other purpose

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Use new GPIO pins for other purpose
Join Date: 20 Apr 15
Posts: 33
Posted: Sun, 2018-09-16 20:55


I would like to use 2 separate GPIO pins to do other purposes.  One is as an input pin and another one is as an output pin.  How should I do it?

Hope to hear from you soon.


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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
Posts: 317
Posted: Mon, 2018-09-17 16:06

We have QCLI_demo with example of GPIO configuration demonstration.

Navigate to @QCLI_demo\build\gcc path and execute below instructions:

@QCLI_demo\build\gcc: setnev.bat periphenv.config \\This is will enable PERIPHERALS component or use " SET CFG_FEATURE_PERIPHERALS=true"
@QCLI_demo\build\gcc: build.bat t 4020 cdb \\Build the image
@QCLI_demo\build\gcc: flash_openocd.bat \\Flash the image on to device

Open Serial Terminal and Execute below instructions to Set example GPIO_12 as output and drive HIGH/LOW

> Peripherals GPIO gpio_tlmm
Peripherals\GPIO: USAGE: gpio_pin fun dir pull val
gpio_pin -> pin number
fun -> function value (0-15)
dir -> direction(input/ output) 0-input 1-output
pull -> gpio pull up/down/no-pull 0-No pull 1-Pull Down 2-Pull Up
val(value to drive if direction is output)

Example: Peripherals GPIO gpio_tlmm 12 0 1 0 1 //This will set GPIO_12 with function 0 set direction as output, No pull and drive HIGH
Example: Peripherals GPIO gpio_tlmm 12 0 1 1 0 //This will set GPIO_12 with function 0 set direction as input, No pull and drive LOW

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